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PhpShort URL Shortener Platform v4.8.0

Original price was: ₹4,090.00.Current price is: ₹2,510.00.

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Original price was: ₹37,460.00.Current price is: ₹8,260.00.
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Original price was: ₹52,000.00.Current price is: ₹30,000.00.


1. Access Your VPS:

Connect to your VPS using SSH or any other remote access method provided by your hosting provider.

2. Update Software:

Run system updates to ensure that your server has the latest software packages. This can be done using package managers like apt for Debian/Ubuntu or yum for CentOS.

3. Install Required Software:

Install any software dependencies required by the script. Common components include a web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx), a database server (e.g., MySQL or PostgreSQL), and PHP.

4. Upload Script Files

:Upload the script files to a directory on your VPS. You can use SCP, SFTP, or other file transfer methods.

5. Extract Files (if necessary):

If your script is in a compressed format, extract the files using the appropriate commands.

6. Set Permissions:

Ensure that the script files and directories have the correct permissions. Use the chmod command to set appropriate permissions.

7. Configure Server Software:

Configure your web server (Apache or Nginx) to recognize and serve the script. Create a virtual host if needed.

8. Create Database (if required):

If the script requires a database, create a new database and user. This can typically be done using commands like mysql for MySQL databases.

9. Configure Script:

Follow the instructions provided with the script to configure it. This often involves editing configuration files, setting up database connections, etc.

10. Domain Configuration:

If you have a domain, configure it to point to your VPS. Update DNS settings accordingly.

11. Restart Services (if needed):

Restart your web server and any other relevant services to apply changes.

12. Access Your Website:

Once everything is set up, access your website through a web browser using your VPS IP address or domain.

Make Changes Easly In This Script With the help of following Points:

1.Understand the Structure:

Before making any changes, understand the structure of the script. Familiarize yourself with the organization of files, directories, and the script’s architecture.

2. Backup Your Script:

Before making any modifications, create a backup of your entire script. This ensures that you can revert to the original state if something goes wrong.

3. Modify HTML/CSS:

Locate the HTML files responsible for the layout of your script. Edit these files to change the structure and content. Similarly, modify the CSS files to change the styling.

4. Use Developer Tools:

Use browser developer tools (usually accessible by right-clicking on a webpage and selecting “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”) to inspect and experiment with the current styles. This can help you identify the CSS classes and styles you want to modify.

5. Update Images and Assets:

If your design changes involve new images or other assets, replace or update the existing ones. Ensure that the new assets have the correct file paths in your script.6. JavaScript Modifications (if needed):If your script uses JavaScript for dynamic behavior, you might need to modify the JavaScript files. This could include updating event handlers, adding or removing functionality, etc.

7. Responsive Design:

Ensure that your design changes are responsive, meaning they work well on various screen sizes and devices. This may involve modifying CSS for different breakpoints.

8. Testing:

Test your modifications thoroughly. Check the script’s functionality and appearance on different browsers and devices to ensure a consistent user experience.

9. Version Control:

If you’re making significant changes, consider using version control systems (e.g., Git) to track your modifications. This allows you to manage changes more effectively and roll back if necessary.

10. Document Changes:

Document your design changes, especially if you are working in a team or may need to reference the changes later.

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