1. Before going for a refund request, you should email and describe the issue you have in detail. I should be given an opportunity to resolve the issue.

2. I accept and process refunds only when the product does not work.

3. You can not claim a refund for clone scripts.

4. You cannot claim a refund for the following reasons (and not limited to),

1. After buying, you do not ‘like’ the Product. You do not have a particular reason, but you do not like it

.2. You ‘expected’ a functionality or feature to be available in the Product and you feel it is obvious. But you feel that it is missing.

3. Your environment is not compatible with the requirements and because of that, there is a Defect that does not allow the Product to be used

4. You have mistakenly bought the wrong Product or License.

5. You are finding it difficult to understand how to use or customize the Product.

6. You have violated the license terms under which you have made the purchase..

7. You have made customizations to the code and an effect of it, the Product is not behaving as expected.

8. Due to non-functional reasons, like response time or throughput or any other similar parameters.

5. You buy any product from our website. You will get the code of the product which you have to develop yourself, it is your responsibility. We can’t help you with This We don’t offer a refund once the item has been downloaded or mistake in any circumstances. Read all the product information before you decide to buy it.

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